Agendamento: +55 11 97656-9736


Publicações em Revistas Científicas

Acesse as lista atualizada e completa das publicações do Dr. Francisco Claro aqui

2019 - Breast Lipofilling Does Not Pose Evidence of Chronic Inflammation in Rats. Aesthetic surgery journal 39 (6): NP202-NP212

2018 - Validated outcomes in the grafting of autologous fat to the breast: the VOGUE study. Development of a core outcome set for research and audit. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 141 (5): 633e-638e

2017 - Assessment of the Cancer Risk of the Fat-Grafted Breast in a Murine Model. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 37(5):603–613

2016 - Fat Grafting to the Breast, a Simple Procedure for a Very Complex Reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 4(1), e594 

2015 - Cinta do músculo peitoral maior nas mamoplastias: experiência pessoal. Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 30(4):533-543

2015 - Omentum for Mammary Disorders: A 30-Year Systematic Review. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 22(8), 2540-50


2015 - Unmanipulated native fat exposed to high-energy diet, but not autologous grafted fat by itself, may lead to overexpression of Ki67 and PAI-1. Springerplus.4, 279. doi: 10.1186/s40064-015-1061-0.


2014 - The autologous greater omental flap as a structure for extraperitoneal surgical repair: A comparative, paired, and controlled experimental study of its adaptive properties. Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica 29 (1), 128-35


2013 - Complications in total breast reconstruction in patients treated for breast cancer: long-term comparative analysis of the influence of the technique, operative time, timing of reconstruction, and adjuvant treatment. Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica 28 (1), 85-91


2012 - Applicability and safety of autologous fat for reconstruction of the breast. British Journal of Surgery 99 (6), 768-780


2010 - The" Y" pattern postbariatric surgery upper trunk reshaping. Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (Impresso) 25 (3), 540-546

2010 - Prefabricated flap composed by skin and terminal gastromental vessels. Experimental study in rabbits. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 63 (6), e525-e528

2010 - Neofaloplastia com retalho microcirúrgico fasciocutâneo braquial: relato de caso. Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 25 (3 supl. 1), 77

2009 - Como obter melhor cicatrização nas incisões das cirurgias estéticas corporais. RBM rev. bras. med 66 (supl. 4)

2009 - Técnicas de reconstrução cutânea aplicadas às subunidades estéticas nasais. Rev Bras Cir Craniomaxilofac 12 (3), 105-8

2008 - Quelóide: fatores de influência prognóstica; Keloids: prognostic factors. Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 23 (4), 274-280

2008 - Fístulas e deiscências em palatoplastia primária: uma experiência institucional. Rev Bras Cir Plást 23 (2), 112-5

2007 - Colon tumors-first find of the pancreatic adenocarcinoma: case report. Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia 27 (3), 322-327